
JBee supports three kinds of number formats:

Decimal numbers may only consist of the numbers 0 to 9 as well as the specific decimal mark and the grouping symbol (either a comma or a full stop, depending on locale settings). For example, "3" and "3,0" are the same numbers in the german locale as are "1.000" and "1000,2"
Hexadecimal numbers may only consist of the numbers 0 to 9 as well as the letters A to F (case does not matter) and must be prefixed by "\x". For example, \xFF would be understood as the decimal number 255.
Binary numbers may only consist of the two digits 0 and 1 and must be prefixed by "\b". For example, \b1010 would be understood as the decimal number 10.

All numbers may be of arbitrary size and there is no precision loss.