
JBEE recognizes the following operators:

Basic arithmetics: +, -, * and /
These are the standard infix operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. For example 5+10*2 will evaluate to 25. All operators except division use unlimited precision by default.
Binary: #, |, &, >>, << and ~
All binary operators require integer values and bind weaker than the basic arithmetic operators. The # operator implements XOR since the ^ symbol is already used for exponentiation.
Power: ^
Raises a base value to the power of an exponent. For example, 2^4 will evaluate to 16. In the default implementation, the exponent must be integer.
Remainder: %
The remainder is the integer "left over" after dividing one integer by another to produce an integer quotient (integer division). For example, 8%3 will evaluate to 2.
Move: :
The : moves the decimal point by n places according to sign. It may be used to emulate scientific notation. For example, 1.2:-2 will evaluate to 0.012 while 1.2:2 will evaluate to 10.2 and 1.2:0 leaves the point in place.
Mercantile: +% and -%
Adds or subtracts a percentage from a value. For example 100 -% 25 will evaluate to 75.
Brackets: ( and )
Brackets change precedence. For example, (3+7)/2 will evaluate to 5.